ADWAA (The Adivasi and Other classes Development and Welfare Autonomous Association) is a Social Organization that is working in whole Jharkhand as well as Bihar. The organization is working specially is scheduled area of Jharkhand state. The vision of the organization is the hundred percent education in the targeted area so that they may understand themselves that they are the pioneer of the nature by maintaining the natural balance, adopting crop rotation with cash crop, improve their livelihood. They may establish a friendly society, peaceful atmosphere and aware their neighbouring society. They make their own holding land fertile. They may make their future educated and prosperous.

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05/06/2017 06:18:48

Latest news updates from the Adivasi & Other Classes Development & Welfare Autonomous Association (ADWAA) will be shown here soon

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05/06/2017 06:18:41

Latest news updates from the Adivasi & Other Classes Development & Welfare Autonomous Association (ADWAA) will be shown here soon

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05/06/2017 06:18:22

Latest news updates from the Adivasi & Other Classes Development & Welfare Autonomous Association (ADWAA) will be shown here soon

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05/06/2017 06:18:16

Latest news updates from the Adivasi & Other Classes Development & Welfare Autonomous Association (ADWAA) will be shown here soon